25. Juli 2013

Animals Australia exposes barbaric practices in Turkish abattoirs - Fordern Sie den australischen Agrarminister auf, Lebendexporte zu beenden! Bb#itte helfen Sie den Lebendexport australischer Schafe in den Nahen Osten und nach Nordafrika zu stoppen

Hochgeladen am 17.08.2011
http://www.AnimalsAustralia.org/live-... LIKE THIS VID if you want this to end. Animals Australia publicly released evidence gathered during a recent investigation in Turkey. The footage documents routine practices in facilities that receive Australian animals -- cattle and sheep are hoisted by their hind legs before having their throats cut whilst fully conscious. This further illustrates the widespread cruelty to animals that the Federal Government is accepting by voting down the Bills to end live export. We've spared you from the worst footage so that everyone can watch this important video.

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